Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Education System in Saudi Arabi - 1093 Words

The education system in Saudi Arabia Education in Saudi Arabia is segregated by sex and divided into three separately administered systems: general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education (for boys). The Ministry of Education, established in 1952, presides over general education for boys, and education for girls comes under the jurisdiction of the General Presidency for Girls Education. Both sexes follow the same curriculum and take the same annual examinations. Islamic education trains Saudi boys to become members of the Ulema (religious clergy). The religious secondary school curriculum includes the general academic secondary school curriculum but focuses primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies.†¦show more content†¦As previously noted, universities in Saudi Arabia offer two types of education: traditional Islamic and Western-oriented. The Islamic University of Medinah and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University focus on Islamic law, Quranic studies, Arabic language and social sciences. UNIVERSITY HIGHER EDUCATION: Programs and Degrees Stage I: The baccaloreus degree generally takes four years, except in pharmacy and medicine, which require four years plus clinical training, and engineering and veterinary medicine, both of which require five years. Medicine studies last eight years, and the qualification conferred is the doctor of medicine. Stage II: In most universities, the darajat al majisteer (masters degree) is awarded after two years of additional study beyond the first degree. However, King Saud University offers a one-year postgraduate program at this level leading to the general diploma in education. The masters degree is awarded in economics, business and public administration, accountancy, engineering, arts and humanities, marine sciences, science, earth sciences, meteorology, environment and arid-land agricultural science. Islamic law, Arabic and social sciences require three years of study. A thesis is required for all programs offered at this level. Stage III: The doctorate, known as the doctoorah, takes a minimum of three years following the masters degree. Candidates must submit aShow MoreRelatedContext For Teaching And Learning994 Words   |  4 Pagesthere is an standirezed for the 3rd graders only. The students take in Spring for Math and Science. I wonder about the tension on the students, teachers and parents about the test. Is it about passing? or Is it about teaching the children to form an education. It is a Pre-K classroom the lessons were practically normal. The instructions in a paper billboard. The teacher gave the instructions in English. 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