Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lab And Using The Result Of The Chemiluminescence Reaction

In this experiment, luminol was synthesized in the lab and used to demonstrate the result of the chemiluminescence reaction. Introduction: In criminal shows shown on television, almost common in every show are investigators inspecting crime scenes. Often when we see investigators looking for some form of a bodily fluid at a crime scene, they spray some liquid and then use a black light over the area. If bodily fluids are present, then the area appears to glow. The substance that they are spraying from the bottle is in fact luminol, and the glow that is observed is from a chemiluminescent reaction. The blood illuminates because of iron in the hemoglobin. Iron serves as the catalyst for the chemiluminescent reaction and causes it to glow . Chemiluminescence is the release of light without heat due to a chemical reaction. The release of light is from bonds that are broken, formed, or restructured2. A similar process, known as fluorescence, also produces an illumination. This chemical process on the other hand, gets its energy for light from the absorbance and release of light at different frequencies. . Experimental Proce dure: To a 5 mL conical vial with a spin vane, 5-nitro-2, 3-dihydrophthalazine-1, 4-dione (.151 grams) was added. Next, sodium hydroxide (2 mL, 3M) was added to the conical vial and stirred until a reddish brown color was obtained. The addition of sodium hydrosulfite (.254 grams) followed, and the sides of the conical vial wereShow MoreRelatedDescription Of The s Exchange Principle1257 Words   |  6 Pagesfootwear prints made in blood. Once a good quality examination photo is taken, the print is then usually treated with Leuco Crystal Violet (LCV) spray at the crime scene for better development and visualisation and then, if possible taken back to the lab for further analysis with Amido Black methanol/glacial acetic formulation or other chemicals (2,4). The LCV treated impression is photographed as the impressions are enhanced providing more detailed patterns, before further treatment is carried outRead MoreNitric Oxide On Oxygen Levels1598 Words   |  7 Pagesdemographics are recorded statistically using ANOVA and Student’s t-test. In comparison to find out possible gender effects, at least 33% of the volunteer subjects were women in Dr. Kambis’ laboratory. In the articles that explore hypoxia in metabolism and vasoactivity the proposed research is important to expand the responses to various levels under certain conditions. In addition, when the organism is familiarized with the testing after a couple of trials using the equipment, it will rest. FactorsRead MoreForensics of Blood3495 Words   |  14 Pagesto reveal the remaining traces of blood. Luminol is a chemical that displays chemiluminescence when combined with a suitable oxidizing agent. Luminol is a presumptive test that can detect traces of blood left at the scene of the crime, even after cleaning the area. After spraying luminol, in a darkened room, the luminol will react with the iron in the hemoglobin of the blood which catalyzes the luminescence. This reaction causes the emission of a blue glow lasting for approximately 30 seconds. AlthoughRead MoreEssay On Phencyclidine4300 Words   |  18 PagesDiego, CA, USA). The motion sensors recorded voltage changes in arbitrary units (mV) that were displayed on the computer controlling the delivery of acoustic stimuli through loudspeakers above the plastic cylinders. These sensors were calibrate d using the SR-LAB Standardization Unit (San Diego Instruments, San Diego, CA, USA). The background sound level (70  dB) and calibration of the acoustic stimuli was confirmed with a digital sound level meter (RadioShack, Fort Worth, TX, USA). Startle pulse was set

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