Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Education System in Saudi Arabi - 1093 Words

The education system in Saudi Arabia Education in Saudi Arabia is segregated by sex and divided into three separately administered systems: general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education (for boys). The Ministry of Education, established in 1952, presides over general education for boys, and education for girls comes under the jurisdiction of the General Presidency for Girls Education. Both sexes follow the same curriculum and take the same annual examinations. Islamic education trains Saudi boys to become members of the Ulema (religious clergy). The religious secondary school curriculum includes the general academic secondary school curriculum but focuses primarily on Islamic and Arabic studies.†¦show more content†¦As previously noted, universities in Saudi Arabia offer two types of education: traditional Islamic and Western-oriented. The Islamic University of Medinah and Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University focus on Islamic law, Quranic studies, Arabic language and social sciences. UNIVERSITY HIGHER EDUCATION: Programs and Degrees Stage I: The baccaloreus degree generally takes four years, except in pharmacy and medicine, which require four years plus clinical training, and engineering and veterinary medicine, both of which require five years. Medicine studies last eight years, and the qualification conferred is the doctor of medicine. Stage II: In most universities, the darajat al majisteer (masters degree) is awarded after two years of additional study beyond the first degree. However, King Saud University offers a one-year postgraduate program at this level leading to the general diploma in education. The masters degree is awarded in economics, business and public administration, accountancy, engineering, arts and humanities, marine sciences, science, earth sciences, meteorology, environment and arid-land agricultural science. Islamic law, Arabic and social sciences require three years of study. A thesis is required for all programs offered at this level. Stage III: The doctorate, known as the doctoorah, takes a minimum of three years following the masters degree. Candidates must submit aShow MoreRelatedContext For Teaching And Learning994 Words   |  4 Pagesthere is an standirezed for the 3rd graders only. The students take in Spring for Math and Science. I wonder about the tension on the students, teachers and parents about the test. Is it about passing? or Is it about teaching the children to form an education. It is a Pre-K classroom the lessons were practically normal. The instructions in a paper billboard. The teacher gave the instructions in English. 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HAMDOON By WP-0102062007 1 The challenges and obstacles of TQM Implementation in the Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Sharjah University in UAE By Dr Ahmed and Hamdoon e-TQM College Working Paper Series WP- 0102062007 The Challenges and obstacles of TQM Implementation in the Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Sharjah University inRead More Chechnya and its People Essay5500 Words   |  22 PagesLieven has commented on Shamil: Basing his rule theologically on Islamic law, and practically on the ability of his Murid-Led forces to terrorise backsliders and traitors, Shamil did his best to create a functioning Islamic administration, through a system of ‘naibs’, or local governors, ruling on the basis of the Shariah. From first to last, however, Shamil’s rule remained intensely personal, and he was plagued by the dubious, loyalty of many of the regions and clans following him. Often, control couldRead MoreFreedom of Speech, Comparing Freedom of Expression in the Statutory Law and the Sharia Law19992 Words   |  80 Pagesteachings of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Sunnah, which are related to the details of life, are taken by Muslims as acts of law. When there is a Muslim ruler, he is able to follow up the implementation of this law through an independent judiciary system. Where there is no such ruler, Muslims must try to implement these acts personally as much as possible, and no on e has the right to implement them on the general or in a non-Islamic State by force. After reading a number of these books, I really

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lab And Using The Result Of The Chemiluminescence Reaction

In this experiment, luminol was synthesized in the lab and used to demonstrate the result of the chemiluminescence reaction. Introduction: In criminal shows shown on television, almost common in every show are investigators inspecting crime scenes. Often when we see investigators looking for some form of a bodily fluid at a crime scene, they spray some liquid and then use a black light over the area. If bodily fluids are present, then the area appears to glow. The substance that they are spraying from the bottle is in fact luminol, and the glow that is observed is from a chemiluminescent reaction. The blood illuminates because of iron in the hemoglobin. Iron serves as the catalyst for the chemiluminescent reaction and causes it to glow . Chemiluminescence is the release of light without heat due to a chemical reaction. The release of light is from bonds that are broken, formed, or restructured2. A similar process, known as fluorescence, also produces an illumination. This chemical process on the other hand, gets its energy for light from the absorbance and release of light at different frequencies. . Experimental Proce dure: To a 5 mL conical vial with a spin vane, 5-nitro-2, 3-dihydrophthalazine-1, 4-dione (.151 grams) was added. Next, sodium hydroxide (2 mL, 3M) was added to the conical vial and stirred until a reddish brown color was obtained. The addition of sodium hydrosulfite (.254 grams) followed, and the sides of the conical vial wereShow MoreRelatedDescription Of The s Exchange Principle1257 Words   |  6 Pagesfootwear prints made in blood. Once a good quality examination photo is taken, the print is then usually treated with Leuco Crystal Violet (LCV) spray at the crime scene for better development and visualisation and then, if possible taken back to the lab for further analysis with Amido Black methanol/glacial acetic formulation or other chemicals (2,4). The LCV treated impression is photographed as the impressions are enhanced providing more detailed patterns, before further treatment is carried outRead MoreNitric Oxide On Oxygen Levels1598 Words   |  7 Pagesdemographics are recorded statistically using ANOVA and Student’s t-test. In comparison to find out possible gender effects, at least 33% of the volunteer subjects were women in Dr. Kambis’ laboratory. In the articles that explore hypoxia in metabolism and vasoactivity the proposed research is important to expand the responses to various levels under certain conditions. In addition, when the organism is familiarized with the testing after a couple of trials using the equipment, it will rest. FactorsRead MoreForensics of Blood3495 Words   |  14 Pagesto reveal the remaining traces of blood. Luminol is a chemical that displays chemiluminescence when combined with a suitable oxidizing agent. Luminol is a presumptive test that can detect traces of blood left at the scene of the crime, even after cleaning the area. After spraying luminol, in a darkened room, the luminol will react with the iron in the hemoglobin of the blood which catalyzes the luminescence. This reaction causes the emission of a blue glow lasting for approximately 30 seconds. AlthoughRead MoreEssay On Phencyclidine4300 Words   |  18 PagesDiego, CA, USA). The motion sensors recorded voltage changes in arbitrary units (mV) that were displayed on the computer controlling the delivery of acoustic stimuli through loudspeakers above the plastic cylinders. These sensors were calibrate d using the SR-LAB Standardization Unit (San Diego Instruments, San Diego, CA, USA). The background sound level (70  dB) and calibration of the acoustic stimuli was confirmed with a digital sound level meter (RadioShack, Fort Worth, TX, USA). Startle pulse was set

Monday, December 9, 2019

Financial Accounting Theory for Water Partners Firm- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theFinancial Accounting Theory for Water Partners Firm. Answer: I hereby wish to tender my application for the position of a graduate trainee in this esteemed consultancy firm pursuant to the early advertisement made regarding the post. I am an Australian nationalist of sound mind who possess solid education background, high level of professionalism, experience and great urge of the sense of belonging to the companys interest. Regarding education status, I wish to state that, I am graduate with Bachelor of Accounting major with first class honor Ferguson(2008.Pg 12). I have likewise partaken professional courses the likes of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) and that of Chartered Financial Analyst(CFA) Hawthorne(2016.Pg 25).The aforesaid academic and professional courses pursued has equipped me with accounting and finance knowledge as well as analytical skills that I am willing to practical tender and nurture it at Water Partners Consultancy Firm. The fact that Water Partners core objective is delivering sound advisory services to clients a tremendous value of information delivered is always expected to certify assure and boost the quality value of the advice. It is this expectation that the parties involved in delivering the information are seen an expected to be of strong communicative skills whether via writing or by word of mouth. The professional and intellectual expectation required for this graduate position has made me confidently attest that I worth the chance and I can flexibly work with the firm since I fit to serve all clients of different language diversity due to my fluent communicative speaking and writing skills in English, French, Espanola, German and finally Swahili Gray(2010.Pg 50). I further wish to notify the firm that is equipped with the sign language skills thus can likewise reach the less fortunate with hearing and talking despair. I, therefore, wish to assure Water Partners firm that if considered I will professionally be delivering information to clients in an ethical manner with the mind of customer satisfaction since at long last the customer stands to be the boss. I also look forward if considered to sell the firms consultancy services in a simple, precise, transparent and accountable manner by use of excellent verbal and written communication skill to all clients without favor or fear Singh(2008.Pg 40). Water Partner accounting services just like other consultancy services it involves the wide spectrum of activities that are some accommodative others challenging some solvable some not but the epicenter of all is how to identify this problem, sail through it via critical analysis process so as to provide the solution to the problem. With this expectation in mind, Water Partner has gotten high skilled problem identifier personnel who use all the available resources to effectively analyze all the aspects relating to the problem and outline possible effective solution that ought to be implemented. At Water Partner consultancy firm problem-solving techniques should be as per AASB, IFRS, IAS, ISA, ATO as well as other set standards in place. As concerning the same issue of critical thinking and problem solving solution I wish to notify the firm that has exercised this in my past employment where I was working as an intern in charge for a hospitality industry at Southern California hence had to solve emerging issue that came my way especially on food and beverage control Kotler(2006.Pg 25). Although the matter on cost control seemed dynamic in nature and that which did not have specific solution to it thus allowance for the need to identify and handle individual problems at their prevailing current state I managed to navigate through the situation and can tell you for free that I have been moulded by the experience at that industry hence able to effectively identify and solve problem at the appropriate time without mishaps. Water Partner services by virtual of it being accounting it involve activities whose offer are bound to time frames hence exist the need to meet deadlines to avoid penalties and disclosure. My experience as a cost controller taught me on how to manage my time as well as how to approach large volume of work and its completion within stipulated deadlines Katz(2009.Pg 7). I, therefore, wish to alert the Water Partner that am able to meet deadlines under minimum supervision without compromising work standards hence an assurance to the firm that all your returns and submission if considered will be all done in time hence no penalization or suspension expected. Finally, I wish to embark on the fact that no man is an island especially in this field of accounting whereby reports and functions interrelate hence each one needs one other.It is from this that I think I possess good team player traits and interpersonal skills to diverse in this firm and of course nurture my fellow colleagues skills as well as facilitation of smooth operations in the firm Crawford(2013.Pg 40). If considered for the graduate position I wish to notify the firm that I will just be extending the great teamwork trait and activities the likes of holding parties, sharing soccer and soft games that I introduced at hospitality industry simply because I saw its fruit on the company performance as well as inter employee relation Schaufeli(2007.Pg 177). I conclude by urging the recruiting team to consider me for the opportunity since all the aforesaid explanation on my traits and qualification accords me the better background for the position. Kind Regards, Your Job Seeker. References Crawford, E.R. and Lepine, J.A., 2013. A configural theory of team processes: Accounting for the structure of taskwork and teamwork. Academy of Management Review, 38(1), pp.32-48. Ferguson, J., Collison, D., Power, D. and Stevenson, L., 2008. An analysis of the role of the textbook in the construction of accounting knowledge. Gray, F.E., 2010. Specific oral communication skills desired in new accountancy graduates. Business communication quarterly, 73(1), pp.40-67. Hawthorne, L., 2016. Labour market outcomes for migrant professionals: Canada and Australia compared. Katz, J.A. and Green, R.P., 2009. Entrepreneurial small business (Vol. 200). McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kotler, P., Bowen, J.T., Makens, J.C. and Baloglu, S., 2006. Marketing for hospitality and tourism (Vol. 893). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice hall. Schaufeli, W. and Salanova, M., 2007. Work engagement. Managing social and ethical issues in organizations, 135, p.177. Singh, G.K.G. and Singh, S.K.G., 2008. Malaysian graduates employability skills. UNITAR e-Journal, 4(1), pp.15-45.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Outsiders Essays (385 words) - A Day No Pigs Would Die, Pinky

The Outsiders A Day No Pigs Would Die Robert Newton Peck The book took place in rural Vermont with a young Shaker boy named Rob Peck. The novel was basically about this boy going through joyful and trying times in his youth, and his friendship with his pet pig named Pinky. Robert Peck was the main character, he was loving towards Pinky and he was obedient,( he knew if he wasn't, he'd be in big trouble.) Throughout the book you could tell that his emotions were opening up more, now that he had a pet to love and take care of, yet he still held back some of his feelings. His father, Haven, was a good Shaker man and was a great neighbor. He cared for his son but was still stern in his own way, but he had to be, after all, he was a Shaker. Their neighbor, Benjamin Tanner, was grateful for Rob delivering ?The finest oxen in the county.? Pinky was a gift from Mr. Tanner. To show his appreciation, he pulled out a pig from underneath his jacket and gave it to Rob. The theme of the book was traveling from boyhood to manhood and how quickly it came about. Through the short time the book took place, Rob turned from a boy into the man he is now. I think the first turning point was the death of Pinky and how he reacted towards that. The second instance was the death of his father and how he took it so well and even dug his father's grave. When pinky died, he had a conversation that showed him turning into a man. He said, ?Oh, Papa. My heart's broke.? ?So is mine,? said Papa. ?But I'm thankful you're a man.? The second passage in the book describing manhood, is after Haven killed Pinky and said, ?That's what being a man is all about, boy. It's just doing what's got to be done.? Overall I liked this book, however, I didn't like the beginning. The author described the pain so well that I cringed as I read the passage about Apron. I even felt sad about the dog getting weaseled. The book was written well and the story was good, but I'm just thankful that I didn't have to grow up that way. Bibliography none