Saturday, November 23, 2019

Two Things †Branding and Writers Block

Two Things – Branding and Writers Block Of course youre wondering what these two have to do with each other. Actually its more about what they have in common. For the first time in my career, I see writing income sliding to a new level I feel it will not recover from. What Im trying to say is that the effort you put into your writing business last year isnt enough for this year. To make the same income, you have to work harder and smarter. The competition is fierce. Whether you hate traditional or indie matters not anymore because authors on both sides are hurting. Incomes are down. Its harder than ever to be heard and seen, much less read. Why such a morbid post? Look at the title of this post again. Its like youre in a mob. Ever seen that commercial about the little door that data is trying to run through, only to see people pile atop one another unable to get through? Then the advertiser talks about a bigger door that allows all data to go through? Well, were at that stage where the door (the reader) is tiny. Authors are that mob. Only some will get through. Thats why branding is super critical right now. I listen to long-time, mid-list authors complain these days about how their incomes are way down, but they are doing the same thing theyve always done. Thats the problem. They are doing the same thingmarketing some, maybe posting on FB three times a week, thinking what worked in 2005 still works now. You cannot be seen without being different. You cannot be heard without noise, a dfferent kind of noise, because God knows its noisy out there. You need a brand, and when you figure out what it is, then you need to sling it and work it hard. Daily. Yep, daily. Now, that brings us to the other topic: writers block. In this day where Amazon accepts thousands of books per day to its database, you cannot sit back and profess to have writers block. Like your marketing, you need to write daily. Block NEVER stops you from writing. Somewhere in your head it makes you think you cant write, but guess what? Your brain and hands still work . . . so write. With the sea of writers out there writing daily, youll be soon forgotten otherwise. Sorry for the rant, but Im seeing good writers, long-time writers, being run over

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