Thursday, February 20, 2020

Social Formations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Social Formations - Essay Example Therefore by making their life hostile there, they would hesitate to migrate into their country hence preventing the alleged across the border terrorism they caused.This article mainly focuses on the Latin as people who cannot easily be incorporated into the society because they are slow to learn the new cultural practices in the new country they have moved into (Aguirre 440-1). Although this article is dated many years back in history, many security research scholars have based their arguments on it hence supporting its relevance. Some of them include huntington who published his article in the recent 2004 but supported the fact that if the USA has to tackle the problem with national insecurity, then it should regulate the entry of latin immigrants into their country. Huntington made these conclisions at acrucial time when America was in great war against the Al Qaeda terror group while investigating for the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden (Nuà ±ez 107-27). However some people pose a great opposition against this article claiming that it negatively affect the society and is not the best way to handle terrorism as claimed by the implementing country. Chavez, for example, criticizes the latino threat Narrative in the sense that he says it makes so many unreasonable assumptions about the latins which could pose a great danger to the society at large. According to him the Latins should be allowed into any society including the US and think of their positive effect n the economy and some other positive role they will have to play within their country. Americans should not discriminate the Latins on grounds that they take a long time to get into their system and adopt their culture. It should be understood that the Latins wiil still retain their identity while helping America grow in many aspects upto where it has reached in the present world. With time, the Latins even

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The topic is added to the personalised control panel Essay

The topic is added to the personalised control panel - Essay Example This period in the history of America, during which the practice of bootlegging soared to popularity, is effectively represented in the book The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald. The book helped in effectively portraying the culture that was rampant during that period in history, where people resorted to various illegal activities and which was highly representative of a gradual moral degradation of the American society. The moral decline is depicted by Fitzgerald by the three central characters of the book namely Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. This paper seeks to explore and discuss the concept of bootlegging and its relationship with The Great Gatsby. The concept of Bootlegging is used in reference with the illegal trafficking of liquor in the United States during the early 1920s. The expression Bootlegging was formerly used to illustrate the practice of hiding the containers of illegitimate liquor in boot tops while executing trade deals with the Indians. The concept gained widespread popularity in the 1920s after the consumption; manufacturing or sale of liquor was prohibited by passing of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution. Formerly, the bootleggers smuggled imported liquor from the neighboring countries such as Mexico and Canada through ships which were anchored in international waters while various other types such as medicinal whiskey, denatured alcohol, corn liquor were eventually added as part of the trade. The prohibition and the subsequent smuggling of liquor ultimately contributed to the rise of organized – crime groups which managed all the activities associated with purchase, manufacture and sale of illega l liquor in various places of public gatherings such as restaurants and public halls1. Bootlegging became immensely popular and widespread after the eighteenth amendment was added to the Constitution in January 1920, which prohibited the manufacture, transportation, import / export, and sale of intoxicating drinks across the